Well, HI, y'all!

I was born and raised in Texas, so forgive me ahead of time for saying y'all too much, but, HEY Y'ALL! 

If you're new around here, WELCOME! If you've been following along with me for awhile, THANK YOU! 

If you know me, you know that the only thing I love more than making things pretty, is words. I love to listen to them, say them, sing them (albeit it badly) and write them. I have always been a talker, but I really am a listener, too! I love to sit and listen to people tell me all about themselves, their thoughts and feelings, and while I'm not a stranger to saying all of mine, too...I have always preferred writing them down. I had a blog a million years ago, that I diligently wrote in almost daily, for the better part of a decade, and I loved every part of it. I loved detailing the silly nuances of my life, telling stories and interacting with the solid 3 people that were loyal readers and commenters. 

The one thing I didn't love about blogging? Looking back on posts and cringing. 

Which, is why you won't find any trace of that blog anywhere on the internets. I scrubbed it all the way clean and I bid it adieu with no remorse and great joy. This is also what has caused great reluctance in starting another one- especially one in association with my business. My life is not cringe-y anymore (thank you Jesus and maturity!) but I still want to always be careful with my words, but still be authentic and sometimes...my feelings and emotions aren't pretty. Hopefully you can relate? 

I've struggled with this for awhile, the desire to have an outlet for my words and all of the other things I love, a space that is mine to be totally ME...but also the fear of doing it wrong, or having those regrets down the road like I have before. (By the way, the fear of doing it wrong is something I'm very familiar with, being a first born perfectionist and a Grade A Achiever. So nothing new there, that will never go away and I'm not even trying to fight it at this point.) 

2020 has been so introspective for me, and probably for a lot of you, too. We've had a lot of extra time to sit and think about anything and everything under the sun. We've also had a lot more to fret about, amiright? All of this has contributed to that desire of mine to write (type) out all of these thoughts and feelings, and it has culminated into this decision to start 2021 with adding this space to my website. 

I can't promise exactly what it will look like, yet- I'm just not sure. But here is what I AM sure of. It will be a true and accurate representation of me- Ashlea. I am Ashlea. I am Owner/Operator/Creative Director/CEO (aka ALL THE THINGS) of Sparkle & Sparrow. I am a devoted wife and joyful mother. My faith and hope is in Jesus, I love to read, write and make things pretty and kindness is my most favorite trait in a person. I'm a 2 on the Enneagram and that should tell you just about everything else you need to know. 

I hope you'll stick around, but if you don't, I totally get it. Who even needs another blog to read? 

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